Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Comfortable Thought

It's indeed a comforting thought to know that you are his number 1. After his family, air miles and mazda 3. Oh my Emily, ever so sweet and nice !

Hey, at least, I know now that should the mazda and I died at the same time, which wake minge is gonna attend !

Oh Emily, this is all good ... all good ...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Don't You Dare Bury Me, Just Yet !

Just a quik beep to reiterate that I'm not dead, I'm still crude and damn, the douche is still way under-utilised.

And why I nearly creamed watching this :

Okay,okay, it's lame to post a youtube and call it an entry.

But hey, better than nothing, no ?

Monday, January 01, 2007

Auld What ?

A brand new year and a brand new plank. Treacherous and all.

Happy Tiptoe-ing, people ....